Explore Zeigo Activate’s Latest Sustainability Tools and Feature Upgrades:

Our new Copilot is a conversational AI tool integrated into the platform. Users will be able to interact with Copilot to help answer questions and contextualize information they interact with in the platform.
Invoice Management
The Invoice Management page allows users to easily view and manage their uploaded energy invoices.
Add Data Button
The Add Data Button allows users to quickly add energy data and complete other data entries directly from the dashboard.

Excel Upload Tool
This feature allows users to download an excel template which they can then populate with their energy data and upload back into the system. This is an important feature which will help alleviate tedious parts of the data entry process.

Import Tools: PDF
The Import Tools: PDF allows users to upload their utility bills for automated scanning and logging into the energy data table of Zeigo Activate. Built on an integration with the Data Science teams scanning functionality, this tool will expedite the energy data entry process for users. Additionally, this tool will improve over time as it uses machine learning to improve from the results of scans.

Marketplace Referrals
The Marketplace Referral system is the first step in the evolution of the Marketplace. When a user wants to contact a Solution Provider they will confirm/edit project information on a prefilled form. This form will then be sent directly to Solution Providers. This referral process is a substantial UX improvement on the current one which sends users to external landing pages where they have to re-enter information.