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a wind turbines on a mountain "State of European Renewables" for European renewable energy markets
a wind turbines on a mountain "State of European Renewables" for European renewable energy markets
a wind turbines on a mountain "State of European Renewables" for European renewable energy markets

European renewable energy markets are hugely dynamic, which can make them both exciting to be involved in and also hard to follow.

Photo of european renewable energy
| Zeigo Sustainability Software

In our latest webinar, “The State of Renewable Energy,” unpack the dynamic European renewable energy markets with an overview of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) trends over the past year, market spotlights on the UK and Italy, and an overview of Aggregated PPAs (APPAs).

We are here to help you navigate the evolving landscape of PPA markets are expert panelists from Zeigo Power and Schneider Electric:

  • Russell Reading, Head of Decarbonisation and Energy Markets at Zeigo Power
  • Mark Chappell, Senior PPA Advisor at Zeigo Power
  • Ally Charlton, Director of Sales– Renewable Energy & Carbon Advisories at Schneider Electric

Access the Latest Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Trends and Market Insights Now

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